Tuesday 18 September 2012

Starring... Beam Global

Beam Global have offered their support to our awards for many years now, and through that time have provided us with an array spirits to complement the evening. Their support of the hospitality industry is invaluable in New Zealand.

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Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. is a global spirits leader with strong brands, innovation and distribution. They are the fourth largest premium spirits company in the world, and the #2 spirits supplier to the New Zealand market.

Their flagship brand, Jim Beam, dates back to 1795.

Beam Global sponsor the Outstanding Bar category which is awarded to a trendy, fashionable nightspot which offers a great atmosphere with a broad selection of food, drinks and outstanding friendly service. The venue, can, but doesn't have to offer live sport entertainment, however, the whole package must be inviting, safe and warm. The place to be seen.


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